Kamis, 10 September 2015

The 10 Most Important Tips to Get a Scholarship

Finding a scholarship is easier than you might think. Here are some tips on getting a scholarship, including what you should look out for in your application.
Get your scholarship
1. Start your search as early as possible
The earlier you start your research, the sooner you can get support. And don't be afraid about not finding suitable scholarships. Just ignore all the misconceptions about scholarships you might have and focus on your application. Because when you have support you can focus wholly on your studies. Many organisations have one deadline per year. If you miss this you will have to wait another year before you can apply.
Creating a profile on european-funding-guide.eu only takes a few minutes. Once complete, you will be able to browse scholarships and funding options that match your profile. You should also check back regularly to stay up-to-date with the new funding opportunities that become available. Just log in at european-funding-guide.eu.
2. Search the scholarship databases for matching grants
Instead of the complex and time-consuming process of researching on the internet, you can simply check our scholarship databases for funding opportunities. All scholarships are filtered according to application requirements. This saves you time as you won’t have to review scholarships that don’t match your profile.
3. Apply now for scholarships that match your profile
Don’t just randomly send your CV to the most popular scholarship funders. Instead you should focus on applying to the organisations with opportunities that match your profile. And don't hesitate to send several applications as this will increase your chances of success.
The best opportunities are with the lesser known organisations. There are even some that struggle to find enough candidates each year, so you should seek out these opportunities.
4. Don’t miss the deadline
The biggest mistake you can make is making a late application. In the majority of cases this will exclude you from the process. Many scholarships have one deadline per year so if you miss it, you will have to wait a full year before you can apply again.
5. Personalize your application
No one likes receiving a generic application that has been sent out on mass, so you should avoid sending out one template to lots of different organisations. The best approach is to personalise and tailor each application. This is not difficult and can include things like addressing it to the right person, or tailoring your responses to match the objectives of the awarding body. You can find further help on preparing your application in our How to Advertise guide.
6. Check your application for mistakes
You will leave a bad first impression if you submit a sloppy application. Read it carefully and correct any mistakes before sending it. In particular you should check your spelling and grammar, as well as checking that the information you are including is factually correct.
Also make sure you follow any application instructions that you are given. For example, if you are asked to send in the application on A4 paper, only use A4 paper.
7. Make sure your application is complete
When you are applying for a scholarship, don’t submit an incomplete application. This will usually result in your application being rejected.
8. What appears when you search for your name in Google?
The people responsible for awarding scholarships may Google you to find out more information. Check your privacy settings on Facebook and other social media networks. And look for content that might leave a bad impression and try to get it removed.
9. Use a photo that leaves an impression of professionalism
First impressions count so your profile photo should be high quality and you should look happy and professional. It is advisable to include a photo, even if it is not asked for.
10. Don’t become a nuisance
Many organisations do not send confirmation of receipt. Often 3 to 6 months will pass before you get feedback. Some even write on their website that applicants should not make contact to check on the progress of their application. You should follow that request.
If you were able to get a scholarship make sure to keep it and don't risk loosing it because of unnecessary mistakes.

 Source: http://www.european-funding-guide.eu/articles/how-apply/10-most-important-tips-get-scholarship

Selasa, 08 September 2015

Gelar Operasi PSDKP Tual

Kapal Pengawas Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan merupakan salah satu sistem pengawasan yang dimiliki oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan yang memiliki fungsi penjagaan, pengawasan, pengendalian, pencegahan dan penindakan terhadap pelanggaran peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang perikanan pada Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Republik Indonesia (WPPRI).
Kapal Pengawas ALBACORE 002 sebagai salah satu unsur Kapal Pengawas tipe speed boat Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan yang dimiliki oleh Stasiun Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan Tual, memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai sarana pendukung Pengawas Perikanan khususnya Pengawas Perikanan Stasiun  Pengawasan SDKP Tual dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi  Pengawasan Sumber daya Kelautan dan Perikanan di wilayah Perairan yuridiksi Stasiun Pengawasan Tual.

Sebagai pelaksanaan fungsi dukungan Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan tersebut maka, secara rutin dilaksanakan Operasi Rutin Mandiri guna melakukan penjagaan, pengawasan, pengendalian, pencegahan dan penindakan terhadap pelanggaran peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang perikanan pada wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Republik Indonesia (WPPRI) 714 khususnya di wilayah perairan Kota Tual, Maluku Tenggara dan sekitarnya.
          Kegiatan Gelar Operasi Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan dilaksanakan                diwilayah perairan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara dan Kota Tual.
Wilayah Kota Tual dan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara

Selain melakukan operasi terhadap kapal perikanan yang diduga melakukan praktek IUU fishing, gelar operasi ini juga dijadikan sebagai sarana sosialisasi kepada nelayan agar taat pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Melakukan Sosialisasi Mngenai Kelengkapan Dokumrn Kapal Perikanan
Melakukan Sosialisasi Mengenai Daerah Penangkapan (Daerah Penangkapan harus Sesuai Izin yang Tertera di Dokumen SIPI)

Rabu, 02 September 2015


"Garwo" yang dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti istri/suami adalah akronim dari "sigaraning nyowo" yang dapat diartikan sebagai belahan jiwa. Istilah tersebut memang benar adanya. Betapa terasanya ketika antara spasang suami istri terpisahkan oleh jarak dan hanya berkomunikasi via telepon dan sosial media lainnya.
 Cerita ini adalah kelanjutan dari cerita yang sebelumnya. Berawal dari diterimanya aku menjadi CPNS di Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan dan ditugaskan sebagai Pengawas Perikanan di wilayah kerja Stasiun PSDKP Tual, maka dengan itu aku dan istri dipisahkan oleh luasnya samudera dan hamparan pulau-pulau Nusantara. Praktis sejak itu kami hanya bisa berkomunikasi via seluler dan sosial media seperti Blackberry Massanger dan Whatsapp. Satu bulan, dua bulan terlewati, namun rasanya bagai bertahun-tahun lamanya. Pekerjaan saat masih lajang dahulu kini aku kerjakan lagi yang sebelumnya tidak pernah aku lakukan semenjak aku menikah. Seperti mencuci baju, menyetrika baju dan cuci piring, kini aku lakukan lagi. Namun itu semua malah menambah motivasiku untuk maju dan semakin menambah rasa sayang dan cintaku kepada istriku tercinta.
Teruntuk istriku yang berada di pulau seberang sana tetaplah ceria seperti hari-hari biasa, tetap selalu panjatkan rasa syukur kehadirat ALLAH SWT dan tetap selalu panjatkan doa kepada-NYA.